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COVID and vaccine remedies – part two



COVID Vaccine administration and vaccine mandate. Fully vaccinated - never

CNAV receives more information every day about COVID – both the virus and the vaccine – and why they injure or kill. Sadly, most of it is dire, and goes to show how wrong our “health authorities” have been. But we also see information we can use: how not to suffer from the virus, and what you can do if you took the jab anyway. If we ever see Mobile Vaccine Clinics, this will be of vital personal and national importance. More than that, national survival requires a radical discard of many other “health regulations.”

The real mechanism of COVID death …

Before beginning, read the earlier articles on COVID virus and vaccine remedies, and vaccine lots. You can still use that information to start with – and also as evidence when the treason and murder trials begin.

The latest helpful information comes from LifeSite News, Natural News, and this podcast:

The LifeSite article has this link to another interview with Dr. Peter McCullough, a name regular readers will recognize. (This link is a secure wrap-around containing another link to a site that does not yet use the Secure Socket Layer protocol. CNAV has tested the link and found it safe to use.)

As ever, good-hearted “alternative medical” investigators have identified the spike protein as the culprit. This protein damages your capillaries and causes clots (microvascular thrombosis) in them. Blame this for the micro-strokes that killed BBC virtue signaler Lisa Shaw. Blame it also for the kind of lung damage that lands people in hospitals. To say nothing of the myocarditis that is felling so many young athletes, including “footballers” (soccer players).


This partial list covers nearly every mechanism of injury or death anyone has ever reported:

  • Heart attack (or separately, myocarditis)
  • Stroke
  • Pneumonia
  • Peripheral neuropathy, which can lead to amputation
  • Kidney failure

… and why the vaccines make it worse

Now we come to why Dr. Robert Malone insisted that the medical community had made a mistake. The mistake was using the spike protein as an antigen and trying to raise antibodies against it.

The mRNA preparations, which are not vaccines in the traditional sense, cause the body to make spike proteins. Those who suggested this line of development told us that the body would raise anti-spike antibodies, and prevent disease. Instead the COVID spike protein causes disease everywhere it goes. And it goes literally everywhere. We now know why the jab is worse than the virus. Repeat: the jab is worse than the virus. At least the COVID virus doesn’t make your own body betray itself. The equivalent would be to destroy a civilization by encouraging its own industries to make a product everyone thinks will make them more healthy, but is in fact a deadly poison.

Unlike the case with the virus, the jab makes your body turn out millions of copies of the spike protein. This then inserts itself into the lining of the capillaries (the endothelium). The tiny ball on the end then provokes clots with every red blood cell and platelet that touches it.

Dr. Charles Hoffe tried to warn people, including the Canadian health authorities, about this. No one listened. CNAV hopes you, reading this, will listen.

What can you do about it?

Disclaimer: what follows here, does not and can never substitute for specific medical advice. So seek a sympathetic physician, share this information with him, and work with him.


First, anyone having had the COVID virus, or especially the vaccine, should detoxify. Try this Spike Protein Detox Guide, then this post-vaccine treatment guide.

Second, we all have to change our lifestyles. Joseph R. Mercola recommends intermittent fasting and literally sweating it out of you – sauna.

Now “Health Ranger” Mike Adams recommends changing your diet. The food you eat can help as much as anything. Partially hydrogenated vegetable oils are the main culprits here. Mercola and others have always said the middle of the store is enemy territory, and the back and side walls are your friend. This is why. Processed foods contain these bad oils. And when looking for an oil to cook with, do not use canola oil. Use authentic olive and avocado oils instead – and consider adding avocados as a regular staple.

Don’t fry chicken or other things. Bake them instead. Frying creates acrylamides, which compound the problem with capillary endothelium.

What’s that? Raw milk?

The last will be much harder for anyone who likes to use dairy products. Avoid pasteurized and homogenized milk. Those processes promote inflammation, which is the last thing you want. If you must use milk, get it raw.


That last will be the most difficult proposition of all – because not all health authorities allow it. The main reason is that it’s easier to:

  1. Accept milk from dairymen who are not too careful about cleanliness when getting milk from the cows, and
  2. Heat-treat it later to kill the coliform and other germs,

than it is to accept milk only from dairymen who take elementary, sensible steps to prevent contamination.

Health regulations benefit the Big Boys, not you. Which is why you may not buy raw milk in most stores.

This DuckDuckGo search finds several articles on where to find raw milk today. To start looking for raw milk where you live, start with these three links.

This won’t be easy! You will likely have to join a “raw milk cooperative” and go directly to a drop point. Or you might have to visit the farmer directly – and bring your own scrupulously clean glass bottles.

The real solution will be to make “food freedom” a campaign issue, and something about which to rag on your legislators at all levels.


You can beat COVID after all

Information like this offers hope. And with the widespread use of the COVID vaccines, we need it. If you doubt that, take heed: the life insurers are in crisis from all the claims they’re paying out. They are paying out two hundred fifty-eight percent more than usual. One wonders whether life will even be insurable anymore. The crunch will come when the actuaries finally stand up and say,

The COVID vaccine makes you a bad insurance risk!

Either they say that or the firms they work for, go bankrupt. It’s that simple.

So: don’t you be a statistic.

Do not. We repeat. Do not. Take. The jab. Under. Any. Circumstances.

But if they’ve held you down and jabbed you by force, at least try to use the remedies listed here.

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Terry A. Hurlbut has been a student of politics, philosophy, and science for more than 35 years. He is a graduate of Yale College and has served as a physician-level laboratory administrator in a 250-bed community hospital. He also is a serious student of the Bible, is conversant in its two primary original languages, and has followed the creation-science movement closely since 1993.


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