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Tyranny of the Majority and the American Republic’s Demise



Everyone is happy when their party is the one wielding absolute power. Until the government becomes self-interested.

Don’t have a hill to die on? Here is one. Senate Majority Leader Schumer aims to end our republic as we know it.        

One of the greatest conundrums of our time is the consistent screeches from the socialist left, demeaning all who oppose them as “Nazis.” When, here, in reality, liberals hurling the term against adversaries are the closest analogs to those genocidal racists of the 1930s. The lack of self-awareness is baffling. Let me be clear, progressive democrats want tyranny. For you. Not for them. Yes, even Democrat voters. Especially, Democrat voters. Who else except the ones relied on for power?

For all their pretty progressive posturing and utopian euphemisms, Democrats have proven one thing beyond any reasonable doubt. Democrats hate your freedom. If the last two years have not been evident enough of that, then Chuck Schumer’s letter denouncing the filibuster and setting a vote to eliminate it should slap sense into people. Hopefully, before it is too late.

Senator Schumer is calling upon Democrats to “protect the foundation of our democracy” by ending the bulwark which protects our republic’s foundations. Ironic. That is, whatever remains from the decades-long constitutional erosion. It truly is painful to keep stating this, but the United States is not…I repeat, is not, a democracy. Our great country is a federal constitutional republic made up of individual sovereign States. This information is found, uh, somewhere

That being said, everyone needs to stop mis-governizing America. She is tired of her pronouns in her bio being disrespected. Liberals of all people should understand the “literal violence” that causes.

I digress.

The filibuster is what stops absolute power from being wielded by a small unaccountable cabal. There is truth in the cliché that absolute power corrupts absolutely. Objective truth matters, it leads to real-world consequences.


Abolishing what makes the United States Senate the most powerful governing body in the world is something we do not come back from. What? Do you expect career politicians to reverse another career politician’s immoral and irrational power grab? If so, do I have a bridge to sell you in Brooklyn! Instead of doing what is right, whatever party is in power will take the precedent set to implement whatever it is wanted by the party power brokers. Politics 101.

The way progressive and socialist Democrats have acted since the 2020 election, one can only assume that they hate the country they govern. Thus, despising those whom they govern. Decimating the filibuster only cements that assumption.

It will, moreover, edge America ever closer to succumbing to communism. China would be proud.  

None of this is written lightly. Freedom is a fragile thing. For it comes only once to a people. Ending the filibuster will lead to America’s death, cut by cut, by cut. It won’t happen tomorrow. Nor will it happen within this decade. But many years from now, we will wonder what or how such a small snowball created the avalanche, crushing the cabins beneath. We will be telling our children’s children about a once free United States.

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