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Leftopaths – continuing cycle of violence



The real source of violence in America today goes beyond the life and death of Michael Brown. It is but one example of Leftopaths and the violence they provoke. It also puts the humanitarian hoax of "diversity" on full display.

There is nothing new under the sun. (Ecclesiastes 1:9) When Solomon wrote that phrase over 2,000 years ago, he composed one of the most profound truisms in history. There really is nothing new under the sun when it comes to human beings. Unscrupulous scoundrels have often used that predictability to manipulate people. Such is the case in today’s democrats/leftists who are playing into the hands of the Leftopaths. These people intend to create the chaos needed to bring about a new world order.

From their exalted positions in field’s ranging from entertainment, politics, business, and news media, malevolent puppet-masters like Arianna Huffington, Beyonce, Whoopi Goldberg, Loretta Lynch, George Soros and Rachel Maddow bang the drums of war and hate to their base. When they do, they turn many into useful idiots willing to commit acts of violence, civil disobedience, intimidation, and worse.

A history of political violence

Political violence is nothing new to the Democratic Party. For instance, in 1856, democratic Congressman Preston Brooks (1) nearly beat republican Senator Charles Sumner to death in the Capitol Building over the slavery issue. Remember also the Opelousas, Louisiana, Massacre (2) in 1868 in which white democrats killed some 300 blacks and another 35-50 whites; the Wilmington, North Carolina (3) insurrection of 1898 in which white Democratic Party insurgents overthrew the legitimately elected local government, killing between 15-60 people and destroyed large sections of black owned businesses/houses; and last, Democrat George Wallace (4) and the Selma March in 1963.

The current rounds of violence and anarchy are simply the external workings of the same old Democratic Party. They have replaced the support of slavery with the anarchistic methods of Alinsky’s Rules for Radicals. They combined these with Antonio Francesco Gramsci’s Prison Notebook amongst others to create a Democratic “no quarter” policy. Thus the “leaders” of the Leftopaths are simply using the longtime Democratic Party’s favorite tactics of violence and intimidation.


After the assassination of President Abraham Lincoln by the southern democrat John Wilkes Booth, Lincoln’s successor to the Presidency, democrat Andrew Johnson started a political war between himself and the republican controlled Congress over the reconstruction of the south and the fate of the recently freed slaves.


President Johnson sought to reunite the country as quickly as possible while keeping the white southern democrats in office. Under his liberal plan, Southern states needed only to agree to end slavery and pledge loyalty to the union. Then they could once again send representatives to Congress.

Johnson’s plan outraged Congressman Thaddeus Stevens (5) and the rest of the republican Congress. They insisted on black suffrage as a precondition for the readmission to the union of the former Confederate States. Thaddeus Stevens, a forgotten giant of the fight for black equality, predicted that “every rebel state will send rebels to Congress.” He could not have been more accurate as in a mere eight months after Lee had surrendered to Grant; the Southern representatives arrived to take their place in Congress. The delegates were voted for by whites-only in the newly restored governments of the south. These members included the former Confederate vice president, (6) six members of the Confederate Cabinet, four Confederate generals and 58 Confederate congressmen. Appalled, Congress refused to seat the Southern delegations.

Those returning southern states, for the most part, simply modified their existing “slave codes” and turned them into “Black Codes” which essentially turned the newly freed blacks back into nearly slave status by restricting their rights to vote, own property, travel, and forcing many of them to return to their former owners as laborers. These codes were enforced by the former Confederate veterans who made up the all-white police, judicial system and “patrollers.”

The Ku Klux Klan

The democrats committing these acts soon joined together under the guidance of former Confederate general, Nathan Bedford Forrest to create the Ku Klux Klan (KKK) in 1866. This organization spread like a disease throughout the south to counter the growing power of the Republican Party and former slaves that voted for it.

“I shook hands with Bob before they hanged him an’ I helped bury him too” Former slave Ben Johnson (7)


By 1868 the KKK became very open about its purpose to restore democratic rule in the south by threatening, assailing, and/or murdering southern Republicans, whether they were white, black, native southerners or transplanted Yankees.  The republican majorities in most southern states required the votes of the newly freed blacks to stay in power and those vote were crucial to the upcoming Presidential elections. The election pitted former Union General Ulysses S. Grant, a republican, against former democratic New York governor Horatio Seymour (who had supported the New York draft riots of 1863 which lasted several days, destroyed millions of dollars of property, injured over two thousand people and killed some one hundred twenty others).

The Grant years

The 1868 Democratic Convention (8) welcomed Nathan Bedford Forrest as a speaker and supporter as well as another KKK founder, Confederate General John B. Gordon. Both worked for democratic candidates in the upcoming election. Since Grant was determined to continue to work towards keeping the democratic Klan from power, the Klan in turn stepped up its attacks on republicans throughout the south. In Louisiana, Democrats murdered some one thousand blacks. Kansas saw more than two thousand murders and unimaginable numbers of beatings, rapes and a savage campaign of property destruction.

In Georgia, it was even worse. Using these brutal tactics, the democrats were able to “win” all three southern states, but they did lose to the Republicans in the national races as Republicans took commanding leads in both Houses of Congress as well as Grant becoming President. This republican majority pushed through the 14th and 15th Amendments (9) to the US Constitution which gave the former slaves the rights of citizenship and the right to vote.

During the 1870’s the KKK slowly disbanded as other, more politically involved and open groups such as the Knights of the White Camelia, the Red Shirts and the White League came to the forefront. Primarily composed of former Confederate soldiers, these paramilitary groups were open about their being the paramilitary arm of the Democratic Party and their intention of overthrowing the Republican Reconstructionist governments of the south. They terrorized the freedmen to keep them from the polls and in 1873, white paramilitary democrats in Colfax, Louisiana (10) attacked and slaughtered some 150 recently freed black republicans in what is considered the most bloody racist attack in US history. By the 1874 election, the republicans had lost the south and the democrats once again ruled it with an iron grip.

Woodrow Wilson and D. W. Griffith

If the colored people made a mistake in voting for me, they ought to correct it. Woodrow Wilson (11)

The Klan had a revival in 1915 with DW Griffith’s movie, The Birth of a Nation. The film was a fictional account of the Klan saving the south from being dominated by former slaves. It was extremely controversial at the time it was released, with the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP) publicly boycotting it and no Protestant church endorsing it. But Democratic liberal progressive President Woodrow Wilson endorsed it after a private screening of the movie at the White House.


According to some accounts, Wilson enjoyed the movie and stated afterwards “It’s like writing history with lightning, and my only regret is that it is all terribly true.” The author of the book and screenplay, Thomas Dixon Jr, a personal friend of Wilson’s, showed Wilson the movie to lend respectability to it. Dixon told Wilson that the purpose of private screening was to “show him the birth of the mightiest new art engine for molding public opinion in the history of the world.” However, Dixon later confessed the true purpose of the movie was to: “revolutionize Northern sentiments by a presentation of history that would transform every man in my audience into a good Democrat!”

Second rise and fall of the KKK

But whatever the truth is about the Wilson/Birth of a Nation (12) controversy, the film brought the Klan back from obscurity into a multimillion dollar cash cow for some and influenced several major democratic governor and Congressional races. It was democrats that halted the passage of the Dyer Anti Lynching Bill in 1922 which would have made lynching a federal crime.

In 1924, the Democratic Convention was affectionately called a “Klanbake” (13) because of the presence of so many Klansmen in their white robes and long hoods who came to support former Woodrow Wilson Cabinet member William G. McAdoo. McAdoo was barely defeated on the 103rd ballot. Between the McAdoo loss and the famous murder trial of David C. Stephenson, the Klan membership fell from 3-4 million to around thirty thousand by the end of the 1920’s.

From Klan to Marx

I’ll have those n*ggers voting Democratic for 200 years! Lyndon B. Johnson (38)

The third and final rise of the Klan (14) was in the 1950’s and 60’s. Although it only numbered between 30,000 and 50,000 people, it was extremely violent with numerous lynching’s, bombings assaults and other acts of racial intimidation that swept the south in vain attempts to keep the Jim Crow laws (15) in place. Democratic President Lyndon Johnson realized that the issue of race was yielding to economics and the fear of communism as the top political issues of the day. So he signed the Republican crafted Civil Rights Acts of 1964 over violent and determined democrat opposition.

Herbert Marcuse

Coinciding with the fall of segregationist democrats and the slow decline of unions, the fruits of decades of Cultural Marxist influence had begun to bear its unholy fruits in American Universities as the words of Cultural Marxist academic, political revolutionary and psychological theorist Herbert Marcuse became the marching orders for the ‘New Left.’ His essay entitled ‘Repressive Tolerance’ (16) argued that a tolerance for all viewpoints in Western society contributed to social oppression. He believed that unconscious assumptions and biases gave greater weight to messages from powerful entities to such a degree that all would accept them.


So his answer to this dilemma became the marching orders of the Leftopaths ever since: “ A pervasive network of assumptions and biases implicitly privileges the viewpoint of the powerful, so that seemingly “equal” presentations of opposite opinions actually end up benefiting the viewpoint of the powerful. Liberating tolerance, then, would mean intolerance against movements from the Right and toleration of movements from the Left. As to the scope of this tolerance and intolerance: … it would extend to the stage of action as well as of discussion and propaganda, of deed as well as of word.”

Cloward, Piven, Alinsky, and others

Under the guidance of the Cultural Marxists, (17) Antonio Gramsci, (18) Saul Alinsky, (19) and the Cloward-Piven Strategy, (20) the 1960’s saw the beginnings of attacks on every institution of the US. The church (21) was oppressive and outdated; education (22) was turned into indoctrination; the environment (23) was being destroyed; and marriage (24) was repressive. So the New Left began a multipronged attack on these institutions as well as others. On the military side were radical groups like The Black Panthers, (24) Symbionese Liberation Army, (25) the Weathermen, (26) the Black Liberation Army (BLA), (27) Students for a Democratic Society (SDS), The Weathermen, (28) and the Youth International Party (Yippies) (29). They started a campaign of killings, bombings, kidnappings and violent protests that shook the US to its core.

They also created a new class of heroes for today’s democrats to emulate. On the political front it was people like Bill and Hillary Clinton, (30), John Kerry, (31) Al Gore Jr, (32) Gloria Steinem, (34) and late-comer Barack Obama (35). They were smart enough to infiltrate the system to look respectable on the outside. They also were evil enough to push others into violence to further their goals.

Modern Leftopaths

Since the 2009 shooting of Oscar Grant in Oakland, the floodgates of riots, rampages and rhetoric has opened on a scale unseen since the Days of Rage (36) in 1969 with few voices of reason anywhere in the mix. One of the more ironic twists to this tale of escalating thuggery is that a historically outspoken supporter of violence has now publicly called for calming the rhetoric down before there is no turning back.

Musician and advocate of “hateful rhetoric” Ted Nugent, (37) came out publicly against hate speech the day after the ballpark shooting of Republican Congressman Steve Scalise. He is calling for civility in this dangerous escalation of rhetoric. Whether or not he is sincere remains to be seen. But one thing is for sure, only one side in the country will win if this cycle does not break. The people, left or right, will not win. Instead the puppet masters like Soros, Koch, Gates, Clinton and Kissinger, will win.



  1. The Caning of Senator Charles Sumner
  2. Opelousas Massacre
  3. Wilmington insurrection of 1898
  4. Selma March
  5. Thaddaeus Stevens
  6. Andrew Johnson and the Legacy of the Civil War
  7. Origins of the KKK
  8. The Secret Racist History of the Democratic Party
  9. A Short History of Democrats, Republicans, and Racism
  10. Colfax Massacre
  11. Woodrow Wilson Quotes
  12. “Myth and fact: the reception of The Birth of a Nation.”
  13. 1924 DNC
  14. The Inconvenient Truth About the Democratic Party
  15. Is The Democratic Party Proud of its History of Slavery & Segregation?
  16. Repressive tolerance and free speech
  17. The Birth of Cultural Marxism: How the “Frankfurt School” Changed America
  18. Political Correctness/Cultural Marxism
  19. Saul Alinsky
  20. Cloward-Piven Strategy
  21. What if the 1960’s took a Christian Course?
  22. Cultural Marxism and the War on the Family
  23. 6 Green Lessons We Can Learn From Communism
  24. The Toxic Influence of Progressive Education on K-12 Curricula
  25. The Black Panthers
  26. Symbionese Liberation Army
  27. The Weathermen Underground
  28. BLA, BLA, BLA, BLA or BLM, What Difference at this Point Does it Make?
  29. Six Years Later: The Clear Connection Between Barack Obama and the Weathermen
  30. Youth International Party
  31. Exposing Hillary Clinton’s Ties to Saul Alinsky & Communist Doctrine
  32. Kerry, Unrepentant for Pro-Hanoi Activism
  33. What if it’s Gore?
  34. A Requiem for Feminism
  35. Obama’s Terrorist Ties and Radical Roots
  36. Days of Rage
  37. Ted Nugent toning down “hateful rhetoric” after Scalice shooting
  38. Did LBJ Say

Additional Reading:

Dyer Anti-Lynching Bill

Democrats Find a Use for Violence

A Brief History of Radical Left-Wing Violence in America

The Roots of Left-Wing Violence

Whitewashing the Democratic Party’s History

The Party of Civil Rights


The Left and ‘Discriminating Tolerance’

Communists in the Classroom

Progressive Responsibility for Political Violence

It’s Going Down

Anti-Trump Website Calls for ‘Physical Violence’ Against Conservatives


Entertainers who have joked about harming Trump

Democrat Shamelessly Calls for Gun Control, Rather Than Having Concern for Wounded GOP Colleagues

Joy Reid: It’s ‘Delicate’ Because While We Hope Scalise Recovers

Americans Learning to Live with Treason

Report: Dem Staffers Boo Trump at Unity Baseball Game


Warren to Trump: ‘Donald, you ain’t seen nasty yet’

The 7 Most Despicable Reactions to the Virginia Ballpark Shooting

A Year of Hate

Breaking: ANTIFA Just Praised The Virginia Shooter

Here’s the SHOCKING List of Liberal Vitriol That Preceded GOP Shooting


Violence Equals Votes for Democrats

Violence, hypocrisy and clichés: The Democratic Party in 2017

Alexandria Shooting Motive: Did Anti-Trump Rhetoric Inspire James Hodgkinson?

The Left’s violent DNA

The Moment Loretta Lynch Called for Blood in the Streets


Democrats’ Hoodwinking of Blacks

A Dishonest Rewriting of Democratic Racist History

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