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Jeb Bush to get the treatment



Bribery in immigration reform isn't done quite this way, but the results are the same. More than that: the Las Vegas shooting could be all about money, insider trading, short sales--and murder. And more: our elected leaders don't know how to handle money. On the flip side, debt in America is leading to universal peonage.

Almost as many people presume the Republicans will nominate Jeb Bush for President, as presume the Democrats will nominate Hillary Clinton. They base that on his power plays, his name reco, and money, money, money. Never mind the polls showing other men in front of him. In the end, Jeb Bush will buy off or muscle out all who compete with him. Money talks, and Bush money talks big. So say the cynics.

The Bible says “the love of money is a root of all sorts of evil.” (1 Timothy 6:10, NASB) Maybe Jeb Bush has a love of money that will get him into trouble. So says Joshua Green at And he has it on an unlikely authority: none other than Peter Schweitzer.

Jeb Bush, you’re next!

Who is Peter Schweitzer? Last Sunday, The New York Times previewed his book, Clinton Cash. (On your local bookstore’s shelves, and shipping out, on May 5.) By now everyone knows the real reason for a private e-mail server in Hillary Clinton’s Chappaqua home. Everyone knows she helped Russia corner uranium and buy up 20 percent of uranium mine output from American mines. Peter Schweitzer dared show that. And the friends of the Clintons now slander him as a “hyper-partisan.”

Jeb Bush speaks to CPAC

Jeb Bush speaks to CPAC 2015. Photo: Gage Skidmore, CC BY-SA 3.0 Unported License

Any high-school debate coach will see at once the logical fallacy: poisoning the well. This particular form of argumentum ad hominem (argument toward the man) seeks to discredit a speaker before he can speak.

Joshua Green doesn’t buy it. In fact, Peter Schweitzer has written about Jeb Bush and his family before today: The Bushes: a Portrait. Schweitzer also wrote about inside stock trading by Members of Congress. So he knows how to pore through abstruse financial reports and find deals that smell bad.

Mr. Green now says Mr. Schweitzer talked to him on Wednesday about his next project. Jeb Bush will get the treatment next.


Mr. Green wrote about Jeb Bush last year. He said, “Jeb Bush has a Mitt Romney problem.” He meant Bush’s holdings in private equity funds, and what those funds typically do. He didn’t mean Jeb Bush had necessarily done anything illegal. But he did quote a political consultant at a time as suggesting Jeb Bush didn’t really mean to run for President. Why not? Because it would mean “running as the second coming of Mitt Romney.” By that, Green and his source meant not only the size of his funds but where they invested. They spoke of “overseas funds, mysterious investors, and foreign entanglements.”

One of these: BH Global Aviation, incorporated in Wales. (As in Prince of.) An aviation fund. Could that have anything to do with “an airport deal while Bush was governor (of Florida) that involved State funds”? Schweitzer gave few details, except to say, “We’ve found some interesting things.”

Sit out the election?

“Patriotic” voters already suspect Jeb Bush, for his “moderate” record and his love of the Common Core education “standard.” If the Republicans nominate Jeb Bush, they’ll sit out the election or vote third party.

But if Peter Schweitzer shows Jeb Bush guilty of anything half as bad as what the world presumes he will show against Hillary Clinton, the Republican Party dare not nominate him.

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Terry A. Hurlbut has been a student of politics, philosophy, and science for more than 35 years. He is a graduate of Yale College and has served as a physician-level laboratory administrator in a 250-bed community hospital. He also is a serious student of the Bible, is conversant in its two primary original languages, and has followed the creation-science movement closely since 1993.


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